Cosmetic Dentistry

Service One
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec vitae dignissim dolor. Nulla ornare a elit in fermentum. Sed ac arcu vel felis vestibulum finibus a sed metus. Vivamus et mi et ante posuere vulputate. Sed facilisis, sapien iaculis dictum rhoncus, leo velit lacinia lorem, vel auctor massa metus vitae sapien. Pellentesque vel rutrum velit. Nunc eget malesuada libero. Fusce aliquet ante a ultrices cursus. Sed elementum magna vitae finibus scelerisque. Fusce est sem, hendrerit nec posuere at, fermentum vel dui. Aenean pulvinar orci in ex mattis, ut tempus lectus tristique.
Maecenas condimentum ex arcu, sed sagittis lorem vestibulum vel. Praesent non diam quam. Etiam pulvinar volutpat varius. Aliquam vitae erat lectus. Quisque porta tellus turpis, vitae dictum sapien pharetra faucibus. Quisque fermentum, lorem eget pharetra ultrices, neque lacus fermentum arcu, eu faucibus nibh magna in dolor. Duis dignissim odio eget malesuada sollicitudin. Donec tempor ullamcorper ante, id posuere nibh suscipit vitae. Aliquam in elit sed diam accumsan consectetur. Aliquam viverra molestie porta.
Service Two
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec vitae dignissim dolor. Nulla ornare a elit in fermentum. Sed ac arcu vel felis vestibulum finibus a sed metus. Vivamus et mi et ante posuere vulputate. Sed facilisis, sapien iaculis dictum rhoncus, leo velit lacinia lorem, vel auctor massa metus vitae sapien. Pellentesque vel rutrum velit. Nunc eget malesuada libero. Fusce aliquet ante a ultrices cursus. Sed elementum magna vitae finibus scelerisque. Fusce est sem, hendrerit nec posuere at, fermentum vel dui. Aenean pulvinar orci in ex mattis, ut tempus lectus tristique.
Maecenas condimentum ex arcu, sed sagittis lorem vestibulum vel. Praesent non diam quam. Etiam pulvinar volutpat varius. Aliquam vitae erat lectus. Quisque porta tellus turpis, vitae dictum sapien pharetra faucibus. Quisque fermentum, lorem eget pharetra ultrices, neque lacus fermentum arcu, eu faucibus nibh magna in dolor. Duis dignissim odio eget malesuada sollicitudin. Donec tempor ullamcorper ante, id posuere nibh suscipit vitae. Aliquam in elit sed diam accumsan consectetur. Aliquam viverra molestie porta.

We get a lot of questions, here are some of our answers.
Q. How can losing a back tooth affect my smile?
A: Losing a back tooth will darken your overall smile making it appear smaller and narrower. Your smile will appear to stop short, and the look will be exaggerated if your missing tooth has teeth on both sides of it. Function during chewing will be reduced, and the function of many teeth can be affected by losing just one tooth. When you are missing a tooth, you compensate by chewing differently, putting pressure on different parts of your mouth. This can cause your other teeth to shift, creating gaps and spaces and may even cause fractures that result in additional tooth loss or in the need for restorations.
Q: What can I expect from my first appointment?
A: Losing a back tooth will darken your overall smile making it appear smaller and narrower. Your smile will appear to stop short, and the look will be exaggerated if your missing tooth has teeth on both sides of it. Function during chewing will be reduced, and the function of many teeth can be affected by losing just one tooth. When you are missing a tooth, you compensate by chewing differently, putting pressure on different parts of your mouth. This can cause your other teeth to shift, creating gaps and spaces and may even cause fractures that result in additional tooth loss or in the need for restorations.
Q: My gums bleed after I brush. Is that something to be concerned about?
A: Losing a back tooth will darken your overall smile making it appear smaller and narrower. Your smile will appear to stop short, and the look will be exaggerated if your missing tooth has teeth on both sides of it. Function during chewing will be reduced, and the function of many teeth can be affected by losing just one tooth. When you are missing a tooth, you compensate by chewing differently, putting pressure on different parts of your mouth. This can cause your other teeth to shift, creating gaps and spaces and may even cause fractures that result in additional tooth loss or in the need for restorations.
Q. How can losing a back tooth affect my smile?
A: Losing a back tooth will darken your overall smile making it appear smaller and narrower. Your smile will appear to stop short, and the look will be exaggerated if your missing tooth has teeth on both sides of it. Function during chewing will be reduced, and the function of many teeth can be affected by losing just one tooth. When you are missing a tooth, you compensate by chewing differently, putting pressure on different parts of your mouth. This can cause your other teeth to shift, creating gaps and spaces and may even cause fractures that result in additional tooth loss or in the need for restorations.